Herding Cats- 4/15
15 Apr 2010
If my own recap wasn't enough for you, here's some other write-ups of last night's game
Mainstream Media
Denver Post - Standard Newspaper Write-up
All Things Avs Adrian Dater talks about some truly atrocious officiating that marred an otherwise great game 1.
In Denver Times: Bruce Wilkie Has a write-up as well.
Denver Post: Terri Frei Terri Frei points out how the Avs, ok Anderson, killing that opening penalty set the tone for the game. He also praises TJ Galiardi.
Denver Post: Mark Kiszla Kiszla talks about some different Avs game last night, one I apparently missed, where Duchene (1A, 0 shots on goal) was the fearless rookie and Paul Stastny (2 assists, 2 SoG) somehow didn't impress him, even on that last shift where he, Galiardi and Stewart cycled the puck brilliantly and won the game. Apparently creating a goal in the last minute of a tie playoff game isn't clutch enough or something.
Blogosphere (wait, is that word out of style now?)
Avs Talk - Shane becomes the Anti-Sharks (whale?) by being invisible for the regular season but bringing his A game for the playoffs. 2 blog posts this week. slow down buddy
Mercury News: THE AVS GOT LUCKY! San Jose was pinned in their zone for like 1:00 on that shift. That's how you control your own luck sometimes. Bad luck happens more often when you let the other team dominate you. And the Sharks were dominated on that last shift.
Ray Ratto says "Way to shake that choking label boys"
Battle of California (Earl Sleeks comments alone are worth it) (So are Rudy Kelly's. honestly, there's nothign more fun that rivals reveling in the other teams misery)