Why You Should Not Exercise If You Present This
28 Aug 2017
Exercising is a need for the design of our body.
Do you know the phrase “what is exercised develops, what does not, atrophies”? It is true. A minimum of exercise for our musculature, joints, tendons, and bones is essential to keep us in good health.
This being true, any excess is dangerous, also in the exercise. So exercise your sculptural figure is okay as long as you do within reasonable margins, without forcing beyond what height, weight and physical constitution can resist without causing harm.
Are there situations that advise NOT to exercise?
Effectively. Exercising is usually a good idea. But just that: generally. Like everything, there are exceptions, and you should be advised by sports professionals and by your doctor when you plan to exercise, either occasionally or regularly.
Do not exercise if you have any of the following conditions:
You suffer from insufficiency of some organ: kidneys, liver, lungs or heart. Force the body machine when the body is a little damaged can cause it to be very used soon or break.
Do not perform contact sports if you suffer a risk condition. Bone problems, inflammations in joints, tendencies to sprains or dislocations.
Choose carefully what sport to practice if you suffer from dizziness, delays in growth and maturation, or suffer from epileptic seizures or dysfunctions of somebody system.
Escape water and swimming if you have any condition of the ear, eyes, otitis, conjunctivitis, sinusitis, infectious diseases, and any skin diseases that may be aggravated by moisture, or water elements (sea salt, chlorine purified water, etc.).
If you suffer from high obesity, be especially careful with the temperature.
All these tips are mandatory for a fundamental reason: it is your health that is at stake. Do not underestimate the risks of the exercise, because although sometimes it seems that everything is going well, many people annually aggravate their ailments or die by not taking enough consideration in medical or common sense advice related to the exercise.
When you go to exercise:
- Use common sense: choose the type of training and intensity appropriate to your body, age, experience and sports level.
- Wear suitable shoes: shoes designed for that activity and not another. Using a shoe designed for tennis, to practice running, or use a running shoe to play basketball can cause injuries, in the short and medium term.
- Wear appropriate clothing: clothing with the level of protection and necessary characteristics. It must be breathable, allow freedom of specific movements of your sport, and serve its function. Again it is a mistake to go cycling with soccer clothes, or to practice rowing with a walking jersey.
- Perform the previous warming including adaptation to the temperature and humidity of the place, exercise extensions of arms, legs, and neck, make sure you have well-placed clothes, laces and accessories, and follow the guidelines set by your sports specialty.
In general, a rule is universal: let yourself be advised by those who know. Consult a sports medicine professional whenever you have doubts, your doctor, a physiotherapist, or if it is not possible to an expert in your sport.
Some exercises can put your health at risk if they are not performed technically well. For example, some that result in hyperextension, dislocation or a sprain due to being misplayed. Excessive repetitions Hit or stretch muscles repeatedly. Keep your arms over your shoulder for long periods of time … etc.