We treat our pets like family - taking them along on our vacations, sharing a bit of our food with them - so why wouldn't we treat them with over-the-counter (OTC) human medications, as well? The answer is just that dogs and cats are not small furry humans. Their physiology, while similar to ours in many ways, differs significantly in how they metabolize medication. In fact, this even varies between cats and dogs. So, while...
Each December in the list of purposes for the following year, there is one very common and is to achieve balance in the daily routine and thus start to lead a healthy lifestyle. But let’s be honest, fifteen days later, this purpose has been displaced, until a million excuses bury it together with the list. The idea is to have the conviction that any month, day or instant you can propose to change habits, behaviors,...
Most people have had those days – you know what I’m talking about, the times where all you can feel thankful for, is the assurance that they must end. Or even the days if the universe is apparently conspiring against you and also the most straightforward things force you to burst into tears. While there is little that you can do to stop these days altogether, it is possible to make sure that there will...
Having sinusitis today is as common as the flu, this is due to the large number of microorganisms such as fungi, viruses, and bacteria that we are exposed to daily. Sinusitis occurs when the cavities behind the nose are swollen from mucus buildup, with pain, swelling, and pressure in the bones around the nose, cheeks, and eyes, known as the paranasal sinuses. It is possible that it is usually accompanied by headaches, fever, bad breath...
I’ve been to a lot of sporting events in my life, but the Olympics is something else again. The Opening and Closing Ceremonies, the different games, and the medals ceremonies are enthusiastic, majestic, heartwarming and emotional. The whole experience is so incredible that it almost defies description. I was a volunteer at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, not just a spectator. But they don’t give free tickets to volunteers; we had to...
The weather is starting to get hot, and many people migrate towards things that keep them cool. Of the most popular ways to stay cool is the swimming pool. I know last year my friend spent at least every other day at the local swimming trying to keep cool. Unfortunately, towards the end of the summer, he got swimmer’s ear infection. His ears poorly hurt and he couldn’t hear very well. At first, he thought...
It is essential to know your base metabolic rate also known as your BMR; which is the number of calories we can burn in an hour just be breathing! Our body functions cause large-scale calorie burn; even if we believe we aren’t doing anything to aid this calorie burn, we are. It is important to calculate personally; or use an online source, the number of calories you need to consume on a daily basis to...
As the fall approaches, kids, parents, and coaches are beginning to look towards the upcoming sports seasons, including rec sports such as football and hockey. With training kicking into full gear for these games, an issue that should concern parents and coaches alike are the preventions of injuries. After a long summer off, it is easy for kids to get over-exerted, over-zealous, and reckless when participating in their respective sports. Here are some tips for...
Snoring is a common problem suffered by many people, sometimes it is believed that they are standard, but it can interrupt your sleep at night and affect your quality of life. Snoring is caused by an obstruction of the free passage of air when your throat is narrowed, and the air that comes and goes from the airways is minimal so that vibrations are created in your throat, and these sounds are produced. What can...
Common sense tells us that a carefully managed diet will improve our overall health. However, looking closely at what different foods add to our body can help us actively maintain vitamin and mineral balance, as well as hormonal balance, such as testosterone levels in the body: Testosterone diet Bananas – rich in potassium, an electrolyte necessary for muscle contractions that balance body fluids and reduces blood pressure. Pistachios – rich in protein, fiber, and zinc,...